Water purification is achieved when water treatment systems remove unwanted organic and inorganic materials, chemical compounds, and biological contaminants from water. In healthcare, pure water that meets industry regulatory standards is invaluable for safe medical tools, processes, and facilities. Learn more about why water treatment is necessary and how your healthcare setting will benefit from installing a treatment system.

Why Is Water Purification Important to the Healthcare Industry?

Water purification systems provide pure and potable water by removing contaminants like bacteria, thus preventing harmful substances from entering the body of patients. Installing treatment and distribution systems at hospitals and other medical facilities provides access to reliably safe water, and the ability to monitor that water on-site. To that end, water purification offers numerous advantages for this sector.


Pure water aids in the disinfection and sterilization of equipment and tools that doctors and other healthcare professionals use on patients, which, in turn, improves overall patient care. The last thing a hospital or medical center wants to worry about is causing infection or illness in those who have come there for treatment.

That water is potable, tasteless, and odorless is vital, given the number of patients, visitors, and medical professionals who rely on clean drinking water. Kitchens and cafeterias also need safe water for food preparation. On-site water treatment systems can deliver the required amount of water that a facility needs with uninterrupted, on-demand service. Having pure water can also decrease a facility’s overall energy usage, and that leads to cost savings as well.

purified water for patient in hospital


In addition to general sterilization, water for drinking, and food and beverage services, some other water purification applications include:

  •     Boilers in utility rooms, as well as utility water treatment
  •     Washers for laundry decontamination
  •     Sample and specimen analysis
  •     Facility heating and cooling
  •     Laboratory and research water purification
  •     Medical diagnosis
  •     Hemodialysis

Healthcare Water Treatment Solutions at Reynolds Culligan

At Reynolds Culligan, our highly experienced team is ready to help your healthcare facility by designing and installing a comprehensive, high-performance water treatment system on-site. Our safe and cost-effective systems are capable of providing three tiers of purification: purified water, highly purified water, and water for injection. We will ensure that your facility meets all water and environmental safety regulations for the healthcare industry with a system customized to your specific needs. To do this, systems from Reynolds Culligan prevent scale and deliver uniform purification results. 

We serve the healthcare industry by offering facility monitoring, hospital HVAC water treatments, ice machine Filtration, and water management programs. Reynolds Culligan achieves this utilizing one or more of the following processes:

  • Deionization. To minimize corrosion and scaling within a system’s piping, ion exchange resins within a water tank can eliminate dissolved mineral salts. They bond with the salt particles in the water and isolate them from the water molecules.
  • Water softening. The goal of Water softening is to address hard water, or water containing minerals, and treat it so that it won’t cause mineral buildup in pipes. Systems achieve this utilizing an ion exchange treatment that removes calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from the water.
  • Reverse osmosis. This process makes use of a membrane within a system that is built to be semipermeable so that feedwater can flow through it under pressure. The membrane’s purpose is to catch dissolved particles that would otherwise contaminate the water. Ultimately, the water that does pass through the membrane has higher levels of purity.
  • Dealkalization. To lower the risk of corrosion and scaling while extending a system’s operating life span, Dealkalization lowers the pH level of water within that system. With the help of ion dealkalizers and brine or salt resin, this treatment can rid water flow of sulfates, nitrates, carbonates, and bicarbonates.
  • Filtration. Often taking place after sedimentation, water will flow through various filters for higher levels of purification, with the filters keeping pathogenic material from moving on in the system. There are many options in filter sizes and material compositions, with charcoal and sand as two examples.
  • Ultraviolet disinfection. UV disinfection, or UV radiation, utilizes ultraviolet light for water treatment. Specific UV wavelengths are effective at ridding water of microbial particles within a system, disturbing the DNA structure to eliminate the contaminants.

Partner With Reynolds Culligan

At Reynolds Culligan, our water treatment specialists can develop a custom, comprehensive water treatment process that enables your facility to treat water on-site to the extent that meets your intended purpose. We pride ourselves on being the only company acting as a single source for complete-technology water treatment solutions in the Mid-Atlantic region. Contact us today to learn more about installing a cutting-edge water treatment system at your healthcare facility or to get a free estimate.

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